044-26590019, 044-26590020

A word to parents

Education is the out come of team work and concerted action by parents, children and teachers. Hence parental co-operation is indispensable for enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline. Parents must take daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check the diary for any remarks and note the homework set and sign any remarks made by Teachers or Principal. Any change of address of parents or guardians should be notified to the school office.

Parents, Guardians or relatives are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours.

Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom for any reason whatsoever. They may meet the principal to discuss their child's progress on working days from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

A failure to observe these rules may result in the dismissal of the boy or girl from the school.